WOD – Sunday 6/4

Two things real quick…
1. Tim is super happy in this picture, but if you know Tim it’s a rare moment when he’s not smiling.
2. Could the struggle be any more real for Elizabeth on the bike? Wow.

Got L-sits?

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, dynamic warm-up as a group.

Banded hamstring stretch and posterior chain prep for strength

Sumo Deadlift – play around with the set-up and mechanics. Build up to a heavy triple in 15 minutes.
Have some fun and learn a relatively new movement. Grip on the bar is narrow and feet are really wide. Where each is exactly doesn’t truly matter as long as the feet are setup outside of the hands.
Check out this link

“New Mankini”
500m row
20 clean and jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
400m run
15 clean and jerks
30 cals AB
10 clean and jerks

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