WOD – Sunday 7/21

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups

Quick shoulder mobility

Weighted push-ups – 5×5; make all sets very challenging
We haven’t done these in so long, mainly because we have enough benches to bench press. But once and a while it is nice to throw some weight on your back and see how it goes. This strength is also a good opportunity to make sure that the push-ups that you are doing are good ones. Sometimes when they are in a workout, we are moving too fast to catch every bad rep. But during a strength, where we can slow down and hold ourselves accountable, we can really invest in good movement. All the way down, all the way back up, elbows tracking slightly back towards the ribcage and wrists staying under the shoulders.

16 min AMRAP
20/15 cals row
15 KBS (53/35#)(44/26#)
10 burpees
16 minutes is going to feel like a long time in this one because each part of this workout will take a very small amount of time comparatively. So come out a little bit slower and settle into a pace.

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