WOD – Sunday 7/22

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
10 hanging knee tucks

Shoulder mobility for the dips and the T2B

“Fight the Fight”
4 rounds
:40 of work/:20 of rest
Cals on row
Cals AB
Ring dips
Rest 1:00 between rounds
Such a tough work to rest time frame. If you think about it though, attacking this one the correct way will provide you with a pretty good plan to make it through. Approaching the two gymnastics movements by attempting a sub max effort set (staying away from failure) will probably get most people into the rest period before the :40 is up. This will help you make it through without starting to fail reps.

Score is going to be reps per round, so keep a running tally as you move through the workout.

Accessory Work
800m cool down run
3 rounds
1:00 plank hold (elbows)
20 sit-ups

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