WOD – Sunday 8/25

500m row, 400m run or 2:00 on a bike
3 rounds
10 KBS
10 goblet squats
10 push-ups

Front squat prep

Front squat – 3 EMOM for 8 min total
*find a weight that you can hold for all 8 sets of 3, make it AHAP
Do not think about this as a 8×3 because you will be lifting every minute on the minute. During a typical lifting session, you would probably go a little bit heavier and take a little bit longer between sets. Therefore you might change your approach a bit for this EMOM.

7 min AMRAP
5 man makers
30 DU’s
Rest 3 Minutes
7 min AMRAP
10 DB squats
5 double jump burpees over the DB
AMRAP #1 is going to really set the pace and spike the HR. So even though there is a 3 minute rest remember there is an entire 7 min AMRAP afterwards. Pace the manmakers, get the DU’s done and then take a long enough break before you hop back on the DB’s.
AMRAP #2 should be almost done recklessly. Find a pace that is almost intimidating and try to hold on. The DB’s can be held however you want for the squats and then the burpees over them will be a double jump, which means you will always be doing the burpee on the same side of the DB’s.

Score will be rounds and reps for each AMRAP.

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