WOD – Sunday 8/13

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 OH squats with PVC
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups

Pec stretch on wall
Active hang on a rig

A1. Bench press – 6×4; building
A2. Bent over rows – 6x6e

“Port EMOM 1”
20 min EMOM
1. 15 to 12/12 to 10 cals on rower
2. 15 KBS (70/53#/)(53/35#)
3. 15 to 12/12 to 10 cals on AB
4. 30 DU’s
Should be a sustainable effort. Getting as close to :20 off each minute. Can’t do DU? Then :30 of attempts.

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