WOD – Sunday 9/17

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds w/a KB
20 Russian swings
15 KB deadlifts
10e KB push press

Banded hamstring mobility

A. Deadlift – 5×3; Build up to a weight that you can do all 5 sets with, rest only :90 between each triple.
B. Bent over row – 5×5; with a barbell; AHAP
15 minutes to complete A and then 10 minutes to complete B. No rest between. Move from one to the other.

15 min AMRAP
15 wall balls (20/14#)
50 DU’s
150’ walking lunge
Lunges are bodyweight. If you cannot complete DU’s than 100 singles with a DU attempt every 10 can be substituted.

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