WOD – Thursday 1/18

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
20 air squats
10 pull-ups or ring rows

Banded shoulder press

A1. Seated barbell strict press – 6×3; with 3030 tempo
Build or stay across, either way we are sitting on a bench, using a barbell today.
A2. One handed, banded chin ups – cluster style; alternating sides. 1L.1R.1L.1R.1L.1R., rest. Complete 6 sets.
One hand in the chin up position, one hand grabbing a band, alt every rep. It’s like the towel pull-up, but it should only be used if you are someone who normally adds weights to our pull-up strength session. Those who are still working on an Rx chin-up should scale as normal.

4 rounds each, relay style
10 DB hang power cleans
10 DB front squats
10 DB S2OH
10 burpees
100’ shuttle run
You go all the way through, then I’ll go all the way through. 2 DB’s required for this one.

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