WOD – Thursday 10/4

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds with a barbell
10 S2OH (press, push press, push jerk)
10 air squats
10 down dog push-ups

Banded shoulder mobility

Push jerk – 3.2.1 wave format, x3
Start between 60 and 70% and build the entire time.
The wave format allows for a lot of volume accumulation through the three rounds. Please make sure you are planning it out correctly and shooting for something that is between 90 and 100% to end with. Pushing the weight here is only beneficial if your form is solid. Do not just add weight because you get the barbell locked out overhead, earn the increase in weight.

“Key Indicators”
10 rounds each
30 DU’s
10 burpees
Each partner must complete a full round before switching.
This workout could go fast. Get after your rounds and really push the pace.

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