WOD – Thursday 12/1

Happy December 1st.

“The difference between who you are and who you want to be, is what you do.”
― Bill Phillips

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
CFP snatch warm-up
High pull
High Hang – Muscle snatch
High Hang – Power snatch
Hang – Power snatch
Snatch balance

Weightlifting complex – 1 snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 OHS
Proper mobility is required to OHS, which means if they simply cannot hit full ROM, they shouldn’t be forcing it. Have them either OH lunge or back squat instead.

Partner WOD
“Tough Transition”
Split the work-up however you want, Cannot move on until each movement is complete.
40 clean and jerks (135/95#)(115/75#)
60 pull-ups
80 wall balls (20/14#)
100 box Jumps (24/20”)
80 wall balls
60 pull-ups
40 clean and jerks
Time cap = 25:00

Accessory Work
60 banded tricep push downs
80 banded leg curls

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