WOD – Thursday 4/12

Spend 2 minutes in Z1, then 3 rounds
10 walking lunges
10 straight leg sit-up w/med ball OH
10 1 med ball clean + 1 wall ball

Quick shoulder mobility as a group

Gymnastics tester
ME pull-up set
Each of these are going to be built upon and retested in the coming cycle. So make sure you really hold yourselves accountable to full ROM. Both can be strict or kipping, but you only get one attempt. So stay on the wall and stay on the rig. Rest as long as you need to between the two.

“Port Sprint Tri”
30 min AMRAP
Teams of 3
500m row
400m run
3 rounds of…
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups
10 squats
Only get to switch when everyone is done.
Partner 1 rows, partner 2 runs, parter 3 completes the mini WOD. When ALL THREE are done with your piece, you can switch. Row to run, run to mini WOD, mini WOD to row. Score will be in reps. Meters plus mini WOD reps. How many reps can your team earn?

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