WOD – Thursday 4/18

There is going to be a competitors meeting Saturday, April 27th, upstairs at 9:30am. This meeting is for all current competitors and any current member who might be interested in joining the comp track. If you are thinking about competing in the sport of CrossFit in 2019 or even 2020 then this track of programming is built to help you reach your goals.

Our competitors always take part in normal Port classes but are programmed an extra strength, an additional skill or more conditioning work daily with the purpose of exposing you to all the challenges one might face in a CrossFit competition. We typically workout 5 days a week with rest days on Thursdays and Sundays and we have a competitors slot at 10am on Saturdays where we typically do our partner workout for the week. The added volume is no more than 30 to 45 minutes and can be anything from lifting to gymnastics, conditioning to skill work. If this might be something you’d like to add in please make sure you carve out 30 minutes to attend this meeting.

If you have any questions before Saturday, don’t be afraid to ask. Find me in the gym, or shoot me a message.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port snatch warm-up with emphasis on hang position and the OHS

Hang squat snatch OR weightlifting complex – 1 hang power snatch + 1 OHS; build
Another chance to work on getting under the bar in the snatch. We are continuing to build confidence in that third pull of weightlifting. However, if you are still gaining experience in this movement, perform a power snatch immediately into an OHS. If you are going that route, try to move your feet in the snatch so you don’t have to move them again for the squat. Consistency in our technique and footwork is the most important aspect of getting better while staying safe.

“Hand to hand”
AFAP; with a bud
100/80 cals AB
100 hollow rocks
100 wall balls
100 burpees
50/40 cals AB
50 hollow rocks
50 wall balls
50 burpees
Not much to say here, go to work, but understand that this is pretty much two rounds. Don’t spend all your money in the first.

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