WOD – Thursday 4/13

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then group dynamic warm-up and joint mobility

Set up for entire workout, go through with partner and practice a few reps of each movement
Then, 5 minutes to warm up the clean and jerk
*make sure you remember to leave a bar set up after the strength portion of the WOD.

Partner WOD
With a running clock…
You and your partner must find a 3RM clean. Can be power or squat, must be TnG.
100/90/80 cals on AB (M/M, M/F, F/F)
75 T2B
50 clean and jerks (155/105#)(135/95#)
100m sprint on rower
5 DB man makers (45/25#)(35/20#)
Make sure you are set to go for the entire workout before you begin. There is rest between sections, but you don’t want to be running around grabbing equipment.

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