WOD – Thursday 6/27

Dynamic warm-up and group joint mobility

“Petty Feud”
1600m run
1000m farmers carry
120 sit-ups
100 push-ups
8 rope climbs
Part 1; one partner can start accumulating the running meters, while the other can start walking with the dumbbells. Switch whenever you pass.

Here is how this one plays out. Both partners start out back. One begins the farmer carry while the other begins to run. The farmer carry partner is going to accumulate as much distance as possible while the running partner completes 400m run. You can switch places only when the running partner makes it back to the farmer carry partner. Continue to switch back and forth until you have completed the prescribed distances.

Then, both partners can attack the sit-ups, push-ups and rope climbs together. One person working at a time.

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