WOD – Thursday 6/8

Very cool graphic. How motivated are you guys? Such a strong community.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
CFP snatch warm-up

Power snatch – find a heavy single for the day
Really push the limit here. Finding a new 1RM will significantly change how the workout is going to go. Proper footwork and catch position is going to increase your chances at successfully making a lift. Warm-up properly and emphasize mechanics from the beginning.

“General Council”
18 min AMRAP
Partner style
40 cal row
20 burpee box jump overs (24/20″)
10 power snatches (135/95#)(115/75#)
Split the reps up however you want. Snatches should be heavy, but not light enough where you could possibly do 10 in a row, TnG. Have people think they should be using between 50 and 60%.

Cool Down
5 min with lax ball on the shoulders
1 min in L-sit

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