WOD – Thursday 7/18

TABATA format, alternate movements every round
American KBS (light)
Burpee broad jumps

PVS mobility as a class
The Port snatch warm-up
Discussion of movements in strength

5 min EMOM
1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch + 1 OHS
Rest 1:00
5 min EMOM
1 squat snatch
The first 5 minutes of this strength will focus on each piece of the squat snatch without actually squat snatching. This way you can really dial in the movement patterns without the pressure that getting under the bar brings. You can build or stay at the same weight, up to you and your goals for the session.

The second 5 minutes of this strength will be devoted to getting reps with a very difficult movement. However, you have primed the engines for success so trust in the work you have put in and try to put it all together for these 5 lifts. Again, build or stay at the same weight, up to you and your goals for the session.

“Triple Threat”
20 min AMRAP
Teams of 3
150/100 cals row
150 DB snatch
150 DB squats
*one partner working, one partner resting, one must holding;
Plank during row
Plate OH during snatches
Bottom of squat during squats
A lot of rules to this one. One partner is going to be accumulating reps while one partner holds a position and the other partner rests. Switch however you want but remember that being smart here and communicating will help with efficiency. A good strategy will help you not only accumulate more reps, but it will keep you fresh for longer.

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