WOD – Thursday 8/22

Dynamic warm-up focused on hips, knees and ankles.
Then, 3 rounds with a barbell and increasing weight
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
10 front squats
Add weight
8 cleans
8 front squats
Add weight
6 squat cleans

Squat clean – 1.1.1
Building off last week, find a heavy triple, not TnG.
Last week we found a heavy double in the same format. Today we are going to add a rep to the grocery list. In our last session, we focused on the setup. You were forced to go through “your process” when approaching a heavy Olympic lift. Where do you put your feet? Where do you grab the bar? Where are your hips and shoulders? Where are you looking? What are you thinking? Let’s continue to dial in our process before we lift each time today.

“Arts and Crafts”
With a Partner
1600m run
100t single DB lunges
100 weighted sit-ups w/one DB
100t SA DB S2OH

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