WOD – Thursday 8/10

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds for quality
5 false grip ring rows or ring pull-ups
10 HS shoulder taps or plank shoulder taps
10 barbell RDL’s
10 hang power cleans
10 front squats

Group mobility session to prep for strength

Hang power clean and push jerk – 5×2; building to a max, but all sets should be working sets
1 set of these should be a hang power clean and push jerk to another hang power clean and push jerk. Try to stay TnG. The idea behind the rep scheme today is not one in which you just keep adding weight until you find a max. Think about today as an opportunity to accumulate some volume. Think about it like a back squat day. If it said 5×2, you would do all sets as heavy as possible, not find a 2RM. That’s the same idea today. Warm-up to something you consider challenging and then start your sets. Add weight as you move forward, but make the jumps slow and deliberate.

“Lean on Me”
20 min AMRAP
20 cals AB
30 hang power cleans (165/115#)
40 cals row
This is our weekly partner WOD. Simple yet spicy. The hang power cleans must be heavy. Slightly intimidatingly heavy. But you have a partner to rely on. So…

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