WOD – Tuesday 10/23

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a class
The Port Snatch warm-up
Major emphasis on footwork and TnG form

5 min EMOM
TnG power snatch – 7 reps
*must be perfect positioning to rationalize weight choice.
We have spent a good deal of time in a specific phase of our lifting cycle where getting comfortable with the movements and getting stronger in each of our lifts. Now that we have gained some experience and

“Bubbling Brook”
6 min clock
600m run
10 ring muscle-ups
Rest remainder of time, x3
Scale the muscle-ups to 10 C2B and 10 ring dips
We did this one on 7/31 but had a slightly smaller clock to complete the required work. So look back to see how you went about your business the last time and how you might change your approach this time. Maybe try a few muscle ups before going to pull-ups, maybe do C2B instead of regular pull-ups. Or simply beat your times per round.

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