WOD – Tuesday 10/4

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, PVC mobility as a group
CFP snatch warm-up w/special attention to the high hang
Progress to high hang squat snatches w/PVC

High hang snatch – 1 EMOM for 10 minutes
*add weight if lift feels fast
Can be power or squat. Great chance to get better at pulling yourself under the bar. You should really be focusing on the importance of a perfect high hang position. Since the high hang is the exact point of explosion, if you learn this position incorrectly, then you will accelerate from an incorrect position and therefore complete a lift incorrectly. People will tend to bend forward in the high hang. This promotes an early pull and either a poor bar path or the inability to hit triple extension and therefore a huge loss of power. Straight down and straight up. Focus on perfection, especially in the warm-up. Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

“The King is Back!”
4 rounds
100m shuttle run
30 squats
100m shuttle run
20 push-ups
100m shuttle run
10 pull-ups
Rest 2:00
Again, all rules or bodyweight movement apply. Scale to the hardest progression. No knees for the push-ups and no jumping pull-ups.

Side note: How bad is that Kars for Kids song?!

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