WOD – Tuesday 11/21

Last day of the prioritize your day Lifestyle Challenge. Let’s try to add one thing to our list that puts us first and accomplish it at some point in your day. That could be going to the gym, making a healthy choice while planning out your meals, or to get to bed a little early to read. Just make a plan and execute that plan.

3 rounds of decreasing reps; 10/8/6
250/200m row
Hang cleans
Front squats
Press/push press/push jerks

Light band work for shoulder mobility

Supinated grip chin-ups –
*alt hand position at the normal distance grip. Do 5, flip your grip, do 5. Etc.So do 5 with the palm of the left hand facing in and the palm of the right hand facing out. Then switch your grip and do 5. Rest as long as you need to and complete the rest of the reps in the same fashion. As reps decrease, you should make them “harder” by either adding weight or by making them harder through less and less partner assistance.

“Casual Tuesday”
5 min AMRAP
7 power cleans (135/95#)(115/75#)
5 OtB burpees
Rest 2:00
5 min AMRAP
7 front squats (135/95#)(115/75#)
5 OtB burpees
Rest 2:00
5 min AMRAP
7 S2OH (135/95#)(115/75#)
5 OtB burpees
One barbell for this workout, so scale to the limiting movement. For some us, that is the front squat, for others it’s the S2OH. This is a grind it out kind of WOD. No easy button here. Head down and do the work.

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