WOD – Tuesday 12/17

Standing child’s pose
Tricep stretch

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then complete rounds from the rack…
10 strict press
10 banded dislocates
10 push press
10 banded pull-aparts
Spend 5 minutes in split jerk drills

CF Strength/Skill
The split jerk – spend some time warming up and complete 1 rep EMOM for 8 min. Build or stay across.
The emphasis of today’s lift is to have a better understanding of the lift in general. Why do we do a split jerk and how best to complete a successful lift. Think about it as the overhead version of the squat clean. If you are not comfortable getting under the bar, you your limited by how much you can power clean. When you start to learn how to pull under the bar you begin to raise the ceiling of how much you will be able to lift. The same idea holds true in the split jerk. If you start to understand that you are not pressing the bar up, rather you are pressing yourself under the bar, you will really change your approach.

“The Mountain”
1 round; AFAP
50 bar facing burpees
50 clean and jerks (95/65#)(75/55#)
50/40 cal bike
Intended stimulus – this is a mental fortitude kind of day. Instead of writing this workout as 5 rounds of 10/10/10 it is 1 round of 50/50/50. This fact alone is a mental hill you must climb as you move through it. That being said, let’s focus on making brain gains today. Hold yourself accountable to staying in the task at hand. Keeping gaining reps even if it is one at a time. Do not take unnecessary breaks because your lungs tell you to, settle into a pace to keep your breathing under control and keep the breaks to a minimum.

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