WOD – Tuesday 1/24

Intramural Open sign-ups are up front. Please get your name on the list so you are drafted to a team. We had an absolute blast with it last year, so don’t miss out. The workouts will be scalable and approachable for everyone so, in my mind, there is really no excuse not to join in on the fun.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
10 front squats
10 strict press

Coach led mobility session based on the strength. Anything extra needed can be done individually.

Clean – 3 position clean, build to a heavy weight.
Try to treat this as an EMOM or E:90. Add weight only under perfect circumstances. Perfect footwork, perfect finish position, perfect front rack. Climb as you see fit. All cleans can be power or squat, build up to something heavy.

“Razor Burn”
18 min AMRAP
800m row
20 burpee box jumps (24/20″)
*box jumps, not overs
Long and slow. Start paced and stay paced.

Accessory Work
3 rounds
10 bicep curls
10 tricep extensions
10 GHD sit-ups

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