WOD – Tuesday 2/20

Coach Conner and I will be debuting our video blog this week. Look for it in our members only page on Facebook. We will be attacking controversial subjects like the Open and longevity in fitness. Stay tuned, it will definitely be a good one.

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, some mobility drills as a class.
Shoulders and hips.

A1. Bottoms up KB press – 3x8e
A2. Hollow rocks – 3×20
A3. Banded high pulls – 3×15; AHAP
Spend the time here. There is no movement specific warm-up, so you can truly focus on a quality session. Another perfect example of you get out what you put in. Stay focused and make it a good strength piece.

“Prime Time”
With a partner
250 DU’s
200 air squats
150 sit-ups
100 DB snatches (50/35#)(40/25#)
75 T2B
50 thrusters
Yes, a partner workout on a Tuesday! Only one partner working at a time. Snatches are with a single DB, and thrusters are with 2.

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