WOD – Tuesday 3/10

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds of
10 ring rows
10 push-ups

Shoulder mobility based on skill

CF Skill
Ring muscle-up
Transition drills for all athletes and progress to a more challenging drill

“Color Rush”
3 rounds
50 DU’s
10 S2OH (205/145#)(175/115#)
40 DU’s
10/8 muscle-ups
30 Du’s
Rest 3:00
Intended stimulus – take the DU’s out of the equation, the S2OH and muscle-ups alone are going to be really hard, as well they should be. So find weight that is going to be difficult for 10. We are talking, really difficult. You are only allowed to break them up twice however. The same rule applies to the muscle-ups. Hold yourself to a number that you can complete in two sets. Scaling them to a very difficult pull. Strict C2B, kipping C2B, strict pull-ups, kipping pull-ups, piked pull-ups or even ring rows. Push each interval and really use the rest to recover and focus.

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