WOD – Tuesday 4/24

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
12 KBS
10 ring rows
8 burpee broad jumps

Som shoulder mobility with a light band – activate the primary and secondary muscles.

Strict HSPU’s – complete 1 ME set staying 1 or 2 reps away from failure. Then, complete 4 to 6 sets of 25% of that number.
Those who cannot complete a strict HSPU can either do the same thing using a piked HSPU or seated DB strict press.
So since we will be working on getting stronger in the HSPU, focusing on strict work will help not only create the needed strength but also keep most variables out of the movement. If strict isn’t an option, find the hardest option that you can complete sets of 2+ of.

If you do 4 strict HSPU’s, then you will complete 6×1 with a full 2:00 in between. Putting all this into Wodify will really help you evolve your strength piece. If you do 6 sets of 1 and it ends up feeling too little work, next time we can try to add reps. But using Wodify will make things much easier.

“Snakes and Ladders”
2 rounds
600m run
4 rope climbs
20 snatches (135/95#)(115/75#)
Your three scaling options for the rope climb are below. Since there are more rope climbs in this one workout than we have done in the last month, having an idea of progressions will come in handy when you need to scale it back. Do not start a rope climb if you are concerned about failing, and do not feel like you have to climb all the way up. Two half trips equal one full trip.
1. The knotted rope.
2. 3 pull-ups using the short ropes to work on footwork. Make them shake out their feet between each rep so they have to redo the footwork.
3. 3 pulls (ring row, piked row, pull-up) + 3 hanging hinges (hanging knee raises, T2B)

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