WOD – Tuesday 5/1

Happy May 1st. Make sure you check out the Spring edition of the newsletter. A lot of exciting things happening at the Port with a few more in development. Stay tuned.

The monthly challenges are back! And we are going to start off right. During the month of May, we are going to try to accumulate 20,000 push-ups as a gymn. It will go through the entire month of May and culminate with all who participate in Murph. Yes, Murph push-ups will count. So come in early, stay a little late, or even get your push-ups done during your lunch break. Any way you want, just get them done. We have a ton to do.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds
10′ monster walk left/right
20 air squats

The Port squat mobility series

Back squat – 5×5; AHAP across
This means you should work up to a weight (between 70 and 80%) and stay with that weight for all 5 sets of 5 reps. You are not to build, because building simply means you didn’t go heavy enough in the first few sets. Resting plenty between each here.

“Singing your Praises”
Every 4:00 for 20:00 total
9 burpee touches
12 T2B
15 pull-ups
30 DU’s
Tuesdays and earn your rest go together like peanut butter and Nutella. Burpee touches to your T2B bar, T2B on your pull-up bar, then some pull-ups on that same bar. Really go for broke on these sets of gymnastic movements understanding that you have a rest after you complete the DU’s. Why rest in the middle when you can rest at the end?

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