WOD – Tuesday 6/6

Almost through our first week of L-sits and we a little behind our goal but the participation has been incredible. We just need a few more to join the fight. Remember, there are a ton of progressions so everyone can participate. See a coach with any questions.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of Cindy
15 air squats
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups

CFP squat mobility session

Back squat Week 9 Day 1
1×5@60%, 1×3@70%, 1×2@80%, 1×2@90% and 1×1@95%
Here we go again. This is the second to last week of this cycle. Hit your numbers and I promise it will pay off.

“Brass Bullet”
1 round AFAP
80 cals row
60 box jump overs (30/24″)(24/20″)
40 RKBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
20 T2B
An aerobic piece at it’s finest. We are going to have 2 of these this week but because of the movements in today’s workout, you should be able to keep working with very little rest. Make sure you understand that this is the point of the WOD and it’s important to scale your movements accordingly. The box jump overs should be consistent, the RKBS can be slugged through, and the T2B should be done in 2 or 3 sets.

Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes on a foam roller.
Spend 1 minute in an L-sit.

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