WOD – Tuesday 8/11

3 rounds of increasing weight and intensity
15/10 cals row
5 power cleans
5 burpees over the barbell

1000m row
3 rounds
5 power cleans (135/95#)
5 burpees over the barbell
750m row
4 rounds
5 power cleans
5 burpees over the barbell
500m row
5 rounds
5 power cleans
5 burpees over the barbell

PortBurn and PY@P option
1000m row or 800m run
3 rounds
10t DB hang power cleans
5 burpees over the DB
750m row or 600m run
4 rounds
10t DB hang power cleans
5 burpees over the DB
500m row or 400m run
5 rounds
10t DB hang power cleans
5 burpees over the DB

Fathom – longer workout of the week
Gear – use the last couple of weeks to understand pacing in longer durations.
Knots – think back to the workout we did a couple of weeks ago with wall balls and sit-ups. It was a 30 minute workout that challenged you to keep your heart rate down in sets of movements that have other ideas. Today will be a lot like that workout. You will need to stay away from spiking your heart rate during really small sets of high intensity movements. Use transitions to slow down a bit and use the long rows to keep everything in control
Current – all within your square

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