WOD – Tuesday 8/13

Dynamic warm-up focused on hips, knees and ankles.
Then, 3 rounds with a barbell and increasing weight
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
10 front squats
Add weight
8 cleans
8 front squats
Add weight
6 squat cleans

Squat clean – find a heavy double, not TnG.
Think cluster format; 1.1
The goal of this session is to build up to a weight that you can lift twice with a :10 rest between. Since there is no need to rush back on the bar, our set-up process should be perfect each time. We are always taking time to learn the process of the lift, each position of the pull, a strong finish position, and the most efficient and safest possible way to complete the clean. Today lets look at our set-up because if we are off here, the rest of the lift won’t go well at all.

Each time you step up to the bar you should go through the same process. Where do you put your feet? Where do you grab the bar? Where are your hips and shoulders? Where are you looking? What are you thinking? Today we will make sure all of those boxes are checked off.

“Half Wall”
100/80 cal row
80 wall balls
60 sit-ups
40 box jumps overs
20 DB KB OH walking lunge (50/35#)(40/25#)
20 min time cap
Chipper alert. Have a plan going into this one. Where are you going to break up the movements to take a break? Stronger movements can be pushed, while weaker ones will need to be paced a little more. Your legs will be the target muscle group so be ready to feel that fatigue and don’t forget to keep breathing.

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