WOD – Tuesday 8/20

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
15 wall balls
10 step-ups/box jumps
5 burpees

Group mobility session

“Shout .2″
3 rounds
1:30 of work/1:30 of rest
A. 15/10 cal row
ME wall balls (20/14#)
B. 15 pull-ups
ME burpee touches
C. 75 DU’s
ME cal AB
Ok, so the formatting of this one. You are going to have 1:30 to work as hard as you wish in A, 1:30 off to transition to B and you will continue to work through each in order with that work to rest ratio until you complete A, B and C three times each. All three sections include a buy-in and then a ME section but remember don’t sprint out of the gate, this is a 25-minute workout.

This is a slight repeat with a few tweaks based on how last time went. Just trying to help smooth out the intended stimulus. So look back to 4/9 and see how that went for you.

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