WOD – Tuesday 8/15

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
10e KB push press w/:02 pause at top
10e SA KB swings
10 strict pull-ups or ring rows
10 hanging knee tucks

Squat and run mobility
Shoulder stretch to prep for pull-ups

The DB squat clean

50 pull-ups
400m run
20 DB squat cleans (53/35#)
800m run
20 DB squat cleans
400m run
50 pull-ups
Long WOD for the week with also a bit of an odd object/movement. Make sure you do a couple of these at weight before starting the workout, they are a bit bizarre. A much different pace from Monday, head down, move with purpose and grind this one out.

Accessory Work
:12 hollow hold
:12 v-ups
:12 hollow hold
:12 crunches
:12 hollow hold
:12 butt lifts
:12 hollow hold
:12 hollow rocks
:12 hollow hold
:12 butterfly kicks
:12 hollow hold
x2. Then finish w/30 side plank extensions, both sides.

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