WOD – Tuesday 9/12

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 2 rounds
15 wall balls
10 ring rows
:30 HS hold

Quick shoulder mobility session

Weighted grip chin-ups –
*reverse hand position and close grip
These can be done with weight, bodyweight, or partner assisted. You want to make each set progressively harder so modify your progression accordingly.

“Turn of Events”
21 min AMRAP
800m run
50 sit-ups
30 deadlifts (185/125#)(165/115#)
Longer WOD of the week. So, plan and scale accordingly. Most will get back to the deadlifts for the 3rd round. That being said. Think about weight on the bar being between 30 and 40% of your 1RM.

Cool Down
400m cool down run
Banded hamstring

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