WOD – Wednesday 11/28

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 ring rows
10 push-ups
10 sit-ups

Quick shoulder mobility

Strict pull-ups – 9 sets of max effort -1 or 2; add weight if possible
First 3 – close grip
Second 3 – normal grip
Last 3 – wide grip
Let’s really focus on our set-up during these pull-ups. Just jumping up and going might not be setting yourself up for success. Make sure you have the correct grip on the bar, find an active hang and are engaging the lats. AKA active shoulders. Making the big muscles do the work will not only make your body very happy but it will result in more pull-ups over the long haul.

1 round
8 push press at weight
15 sit-ups

100 push press (115/75#)(95/65#)
30 sit-ups every time you put the bar down.
*scaling to a weight that allows you to do this one in big sets. If you break it into 10’s you will be doing 300 sit-ups. So be smart here and really focus on finding the appropriate weight.
Being truly active overhead today is going to make an enormous difference because of how many reps are going to be required. Active shoulders are achieved when the shoulders are pressing against the load. So in a pull-up, when you are hanging the load is pulling down, so pulling the shoulders up created active shoulders. Even though we are now on the ground with a bar overhead, the load is still forcing down, therefor achieving active shoulders is done in the exact same way, resisting the load and pushing up.

Accessory Work
Banded pull-aparts – accumulate 100
GHD holds, facing down – accumulate 2:00

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