WOD – Wednesday 11/23

Remember that there is a modified schedule due to the holiday on Thursday.
Wednesday we are open all day.
Thursday we are closed.
Friday we will reopen for one WOD @9am – Fight Gone Bad
Saturday and Sunday we resume normal schedules.

Start with a lax ball on your shoulder for 2 min
Then, everyone on a rower for 600m
First 200m @40%, second 200m @60%, last 200m @80%
Then 2 rounds of “Cindy”
15 squats
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups or ring rows

Banded shoulder mobility – 4 solid positions

A1. Push press – 3×8; AHAP
A2. Bent over rows – 3×10; AHAP
You should be working as hard on the rows as you are on the push press.

“All the Fixings”
1 time; AFAP
50 DU’s
50 wall balls (20/14#)
50 DU’s
40 T2B
50 DU’s
30 pull-ups
50 DU’s
20 thrusters (115/75#)(95/65#)
50 DU’s
10 HSPU’s
I have been telling everyone that you should enjoy doing singles for now until the 1st of the year, because in the new year, subbing for singles will no longer be an option for those of you who have been coming for 3 months or more. Instead of worrying about a number of reps, work on attempts for :30, you won’t get better unless you practice, and you won’t practice unless I force you to.

Cool Down
Spend 4 minutes with a lax ball on the bottom of your feet and calves

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