WOD – Wednesday 1/13

A very happy birthday to our fearless leader, Jason G. When we asked him if he’d like his birthday burpees he told me I was fired. So I’ll save you the hassle of getting him anything. He’d probably just love a hug.

1000m partner row switch every 250m, other partner holds a plank
2 rounds:
10 push ups
10 light kb swings
10 goblet squats

PVC shoulder mobility, couch and pigeon

Bench Press (EMOM for 10 min, complete 3 reps at 70-75%)
You can start low, 60-65%, and build in the EMOM if you’d like.

“Conceptually Speaking”
3 min AMRAP
3 power snatches (95/65#)
6 ring dips
9 jumping squats
Rest 1:30, x5

Extra Credit
HS holds (noes and toes) – :30 x3

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