WOD – Wednesday 12/27

I have not had a chance to sit down and try to put into words the emotions I have experienced these last couple of days. You guys made our holiday, myself and the entire coaching staff, so special. I cannot thank each and every one of you enough. Your cards, gifts, and texts were so kind. I hope your holiday was just as amazing. I can’t wait to catch up with each of you individually.

Let’s try to stay committed to our fitness schedule. Make sure you know the hours this week. Normal classes all weekend and then abbreviated schedule on Monday; 9am, noon and 4:15.

Sign into Wodify and spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of
10 bent over rows
10 strict press
10 back squats

Banded shoulder mobility

A1. Strict press –
*all working sets; 2×5@80-85%, 2×3@85-90%, 3×1@90% and up
A2. Sitting banded lat pull-downs – 5×15
Pretty common rep scheme just provided some guidance. The banded work is sitting on the ground, under the rig with a band attached. Use a band that you can pull all the way to your chest while pulling the band apart so that your hands are outside of your shoulders. Like a lat pulldown machine. Really try to focus on the importance of core engagement and make sure to keep the shoulders over the hips.

“As seen on TV”
12 min AMRAP
50/40 cals AB
Then, with time remaining
30 box jumps (24/20”)
20 sit-ups
10 bodyweight back squats
Another quick one, get on the bike, get off the bike, and then destroy your legs. The sit-ups will help break up the misery, so move as quick as you can to get there. Back squats can be taken off the rack, bu those of you who are comfortable, should pull it from the ground. Regardless of where you pull from, you cannot dump it off your back. Scale the weight as you see fit, they should be unbroken.

Cool Down
Spend a minute, each side; pigeon, spiderman and couch.

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