WOD – Wednesday 4/4

So we are going to try a new running route. The back corner of this building has become very dangerous with the addition of the food pantry. So let’s just stay away from it completely. Run out the back door, take a left to the Micronics sign, run to the street and take a right. Run to the Harvey window sign, turn around and retrace your steps, but instead of running to the back door, run in the front door.

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Group 400m run
Then, 3 rounds
10 lunges
10 strict press
10 sit-ups

Banded shoulder mobility

Split jerk – build up to a new 1RM in no more than 8 to 10 attempts
Take the time to drill in good mechanics here. Right from the very beginning. If footwork is your weakness, set up the chalk marks. If the finish position is your weakness, start with some jerk drops. Do not try to figure it out when you get weight on the bar.

“Trend Setter”
18 min AMRAP
400m run
20 S2OH (135/95#)(115/75#)
Rest 1:00
Let’s make sure that these S2OH are very challenging. You can approach them in two different ways.
One, get on the bar as fast as you can and do as many as you can. Break them up twice, maybe three times. Or take a few seconds before you hop on the bar with the goal to go unbroken. Depends on your approach, how efficient you are in your runs, and the kind of rest you need before your next round.

Accessory work
Banded tricep push downs – accumulate 100
Banded pull aparts – accumulate 100

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