WOD – Wednesday 5/8

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds with a monster band
10 push-ups with 2 shoulder taps
10 steps left and right
10 ring rows

Any further shoulder mobility needed

A1. Strict press – 5×5
A2. Weighted chin-ups – 5×5
So many opportunities to work on the small things here. One of my favorite things to focus on when doing strict pull-ups is grip on the bar. We often prioritize grip in what we think are more important movements like the clean or the jerk. But grip is just as important when you complete gymnastic movements. In order to really train the right muscles and get the big movers to do the work, your top knuckles really need to be over the bar. This helps externally rotate the head of the humorous, engaging the lats. And believe you me, the lats love to pull.

“Grip and Rip”
40 KBS (53/35#)(44/26#)
5 bar muscle-ups
30 KBS
5 bar muscle-ups
20 KBS
5 bar muscle-ups
10 KBS
5 bar muscle-ups
With such a high volume of such a high skill gymnastics movement be ready to individualize your attack. Maybe you can do a few bar muscle-ups but 5 is out of the question, especially after 100 KBS, maybe you try to hold 2 or 3. If bar muscle-ups are not quite there yet, but you can do 3 to 5 strict chest to bar pull-ups, banded or jumping muscle-ups might be a good substitution today. But, if your pull strength is still something you are working on, completing 10 pulls (C2B, pull-ups or ring rows) and 10 push-ups will help you get a bit closer.

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