WOD – Wednesday 6/24

2 rounds
200m run
10e Cossack squats
10e goblet lunges
10e KB strict press
10 Russian KBS

Back squat – 4×8 with a :03 negative.
Look to increase from last week both on the RPE scale and overall load.
PortBurn (P@YP or Burn option)
5 rounds
12t weighted step-ups
15 banded hamstring curls
:30 weighted plank hold

800m run
40 wall balls (20/14)|(14/10)
40 Russian KBS
40t lunges
400m run
20 wall balls
20 Russian KBS
20t lunges

800m run
40 DB goblet thrusters
40 DB swings
40t lunges
400m run
20 DB goblet thrusters
20 DB swings
20t lunges

Sort of a chipper, kind of a descending reps scheme. Almost a triplet. Like I tried to talk about yesterday, we all have strengths and weaknesses. Success in workouts like this will be where you determine it is smart for you to push and where is is safe to pump the breaks a little bit. Sometimes 40 unbroken wall balls might seem like a smart move, but what if the effect of such a set prevent you from going unbroken in the KBS or slow your run down too much. Have a plan and stick to it. Take scheduled breaks and do not simply rest when you think you need to.

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