WOD – Wednesday 6/6

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds of increasing intensity
10 PVC front squats
10 push-ups
10 hollow rocks w/PVC overhead

Banded shoulder mobility

OH complex – 1 push press + 2 push jerks; build to a heavy single
OH complex off the racks. Build to a max weight. Fun way to gain some volume.

“King Calm”
3 rounds
600m run
40 wall balls (20/14#)
20t DB snatches
We have done this many wall balls in this big of chunks before and I challenged you to go UB. Think about this one. Will it affect the rest of your workout to break off huge sets of the wall balls? Could you maintain that? Does it even make sense for you to do that? If wall balls are a weakness, where will you push this workout?

Accessory Work
:20 of work/:20 of rest; alternate between movements. Complete 5 rounds.
Wheels on the bus
Banded high pulls

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