WOD – Tuesday 6/21

The in-house competition is this Saturday. If you plan on attending, please sign up on the sheet at the front of the gym. This competition will be approachable to all and teams will be made based on ability. That being said, everyone should be signed up by Friday at noon. It’s going to be a blast, see you all then.

And I know it’s a few days late. But Happy Father’s Day to all of the CFP dads. Some of the strongest, hardest working, caring guys in the world. I hope you all enjoyed your day, you deserve it.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then some PVC mobility as a class
2 rounds of the CFP snatch warmup with focus on power positions

Any individual mobility that you may need. Spend 5 minutes here; hips, hammies, ankles and/or shoulders

Power snatch – Week 2
Work up to 80% of your 1RM power snatch. Then, EMOM complete one perfect rep @70% for 9 min
*Again this progression is only going to help if you hold yourself accountable to quality movement. Focus on good footwork and a strong catch position overhead.

“Suddenly Useless”
5 rounds
21 KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
15 wall balls (20/14#)
9 burpees

Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes on recovery. Do it!

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