WOD – Wednesday 7/10

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 4 min AMRAP
10 shoot throughs
:30 hollow hold

Quick shoulder mobility

The ring muscle-up – this time we add to the last session and introduce kipping on the rings to our skill toolbox.
Last skill session we worked on strict muscle-ups and the 4 positions involved in completing a good rep. Today we are going to work on kipping on the rings. So for those of you who can complete 3 to 5 strict C2B pull-ups and 3 to 5 strict ring dips can use today as an opportunity to improve your technique in a kipping ring muscle-up. For those of you who are still working on the prerequisite strength piece, you can use today to improve your kipping technique for pull-ups or C2B. Getting on the rings and learning proper body control will only transfer to other gymnastic movements like the HS and T2B.

“False ID”
3 rounds
60 air squats
30 DU’s
10 muscle-ups
Rest 2:00 between rounds
This one will be a sprint for some, for others, it will be a task of getting to the muscle-ups with enough energy to get through them or some. The goal of this workout is to find a gymnastic movement at the end that provides a significant challenge but not something that will prove to be almost impossible. If 10 ring muscle-ups is too many, find a number that you can do in 2 or 3 sets. If muscle-ups are not an option at all, then sub double pulls and pushes. Start at the most basic progression and work through the tree until you find the right option. For pulling we have ring rows, piked rows, regular pull-ups or even C2B. For pushes, we have push-ups, dips on parallette bars or DB’s, or ring dips.

A totally different option would be to keep the movements strict. Instead of doing 20 kipping pull-ups and 20 kipping dips, you could do 10 strict pull-ups and 10 strict dips. Very hard and very taxing but a great way to work on strength.

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