WOD – Tuesday 6/13

How are everyone’s L-sit’s going? Mine are actually getting easier. I mean, anything is an improvement from what they used to look like.

Last Thursday marked the last PortFit gymnastics class. It was an awesome session. We are going to take a week off and then start our last of the 6 week program. This one is going to be devoted to building your aerobic engine. Using the rower, the assault bike, and your favorite running sneakers, we will work through a program devoted to helping you build your ‘wind’. There will be one class a week where we will focus not only on the goal of the workout but also pacing and some form work. There will be a secondary workout for you to complete on your own. If you are interested, please email Sophie to secure a spot. This one couldn’t come at a more perfect time.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
Hang cleans
Strict press/push press/push jerk

Spiderman, pigeon and child’s pose

Clean and jerk – E:90 for 9:00 total
Warm-up and start around 65%.
*must be a squat clean and must be a split jerk.
Think back to the cycle of olympic lifting where all we did was lift in EMOM fashion. You always have the choice of building or staying across. The goal of the EMOM is not to PR but to focus on form while accumulating volume. This kind of experience under the bar really helps you improve if you challenge yourself while holding yourself accountable to good form. Be smart. Be fast.

“Sweet Tea”
4 or 5 rounds
60 DU’s
30 sit-ups
200m run
*double the singles, but feel bad about it.
I am going to give you the option on rounds here. The goal is to come out fo the gate understanding that sustaining a decent pace is the goal. Really fast times are not always made of really fast rounds. It makes no sense to start out red hot and end up crashing in your last round. The goal is to slow your pace initially so that you can hold it through all your rounds. That’s how we get better.

Cool Down
Achilles stretch against rig – 1:00 each side

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