WOD – Monday 4/4

Tonight the Stronger, Faster Healthier rep will be in to sample products during our night time classes. If you are looking for a new protien, give this one a try. Amazing product.

2 to 4 minutes in Z1, then
5 min AMRAP
10 goblet squats
10 push-ups
10 ring rows

Front squat mobility – hips, ankles and front rack

A1. Front Squat – 5RM with :05 pause + 2×5 @90% (w/pause)
A2. Ring Dips (5-10 reps, x3-4 sets)
Take :30 between A1 and A2. Take :90 between sets.

“Big Disappointment”
10 min AMRAP
6 HSPU’s
9/7 cals on AB
12 box jumps (24/20”)
Rest 4:00
10 min AMRAP
10 KB swings (70/53#)(53/35#)
10 burpees
250m row

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