Murph, Memorial Day. Be there. RSVP here.
2 to 4 minutes in Z1
Then 2 rounds of
10 ring rows
15 OH walking lunges w/a PVC
10 push-ups
Lunge prep w/ a focus on shoulder rotational drills for push-ups
A1. Front rack lunge -OR- Bulgarian split squats – 8 to 10 each side x4 sets AHAP (across)
*the choice is yours, either heavy bar in the front rack position, or suitcase set-up w/DB’s or KB’s; AHAP.
A2. Weighted push-ups – 5 to 10 reps AHAP
Rest :30 between A1 and A2. Rest :60 after every complete set
“Fright Gone Bad”
16 min AMRAP
5 thrusters (135/95#)(115/75#)
10 pull-ups
15 KBS (70/53#)(53/35#)
20 deadlift
25 K2E
Cool Down
Rehydrate, recovery and stretch