WOD – Thursday 6/23

The in-house competition is this Saturday. If you plan on attending, please sign up on the sheet at the front of the gym. This competition will be approachable to all and teams will be made based on ability. That being said, everyone should be signed up by Friday at noon. It’s going to be a blast, see you all then.

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then 3 rounds w/a barbell for quality
10 deadlifts
10 hang cleans
10 strict press (then push press)
:20 handstand hold **NOSE AND TOES!**

3 minutes with a lax ball
Then some banded shoulder mobility

Review the performance cues for the push jerk.
Then spend 15 minutes on a PJ wave. Develop a plan, and stick with it.
Push jerk – 3.2.1 wave

CFP Benchmark WOD #1
20 back squats
2 mile run
20 back squats
*back squats are at body weight, or 225/155# at the heaviest
**last time we did this was 7/14. Last August, jeeeeeeze.

Cool Down
Take 5 minutes to cool down your legs. Roll, stretch and smash.

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