WOD – Tuesday 8/30

“Learning to fail is an important part of success. I’d like everyone reading this to fail at something. Get out there and try the impossible. Set your sights high and do something that you’re almost certain is beyond your skill level. Call the girl. Meet with a millionaire. Pitch your art project to a retail store. Negotiate a large salary increase. Push yourself to accomplish something enormous. You may fail a hundred times. But it only takes one success to completely change your life.”

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
5 dips or push-ups
10 squats
5 pull-ups or ring rows

CFP back squat mobility series
*finish with 5-10 wall squats

A1. Back squat – 3×4; first week of 4’s, so heaviest weight so far.
A2. 250m row between each set @40% effort, x3
*remember, you should be building to a 4RM and then completing 2 drops sets @90% for a total of 3 heavy sets

“Gun Slinger”
5 rounds
200m run
20t OH walking lunge (45/25#)(25/15#)
20 DU’s
OH lunges are w/a plate. Make sure you pay attention to your form on the lunge, while emphasizing an active OH position.

Cool Down
Spend 5 minutes focused on recovery

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