WOD – Saturday 9/10

Spend 2 min in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10t goblet lunges
10t SA KB press
10 pull-ups or ring rows

Focus on lunges; hips and ankles

A1. Front rack walking lunges – 10RM + 1×10@90%
A2. Weighted plank hold – 1:00, 3 to 4

“Another Vice”
20 min AMRAP
Teams of 4, relay style.
25/20 cals on AB
20 push-ups
15 cals on rower
100’ farmers carry (70/53#)(53/35#)
Relay means conga style. P1 starts on the bike. P2 starts when P1 finishes. P1 moves onto the next exercise. P3 starts when P2 finishes. P2 moves onto the next exercise and if P1 is done, then P2 starts. Get it? We’ll explain it again. Promise.

Accessory Work
3 rounds
:20 HS hold (nose and toes)
Rest :20
:20 hollow hold

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