Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds (1 must be done w/a barbell)
10 OHS w/PVC
10 good mornings
10 push-ups
10 ring rows
Keg drill
T-spine stretch in bottom of squat
Anything extra you might need based on the workout
“Professional Grade”
In teams of 2, done as a relay
OtB burpees
OHS (95/65#)(75/55#)
In teams of 2, done as a relay
3 rounds
30t OH walking lunges w/a plate (45/25#)
20 ring rows
10 burpees to the same plate
If you are doing the Team Series, the set-up is slightly different. If you are not participating in the Team Series, then this is just going to be a partner workout. Coaches will explain the difference.
**Class WOD**
Relay for classes means it’s done round to round. P1 will do 15 of each movement then tag in their partner. P2 will then do all of their 15’s and tag P1 back in to complete the 12’s. This is done until both partners have completed the 15-12-9-6.
**Team Series Only**
Please know what you have to do. Scaled teams MUST do the scaled workout, you cannot scale the Rx workout with bands and lighter weights.
Male/female partner #1 will work all the way through the entire workout and then tag in their teammates. Time is recorded when second pair finish their part of the workout.
*synchronized means synchronized, not close enough
Optional Strength
Can be done in the back, post class
8 min EMOM; 2 cleans + 2 push jerks
The 2 cleans must be TnG, but can be power or squat. You obviously cannot drop the bar until you’ve completed each complex.
Build in the EMOM, but build slowly