I CrossFit because…
Ever thought about that statement? Has your reason changed or is it the same reason that brought you through our front door?
My reason has absolutely changed. I’d like to think its evolved and matured as I have. The reasons that brought me to CFP we important enough to me to get me to commit, but my true reasons are what made me change my life to be your head coach. And through that process priorities have significantly shifted. The true goal is always a healthier lifestyle, but the why is what makes it so interesting.
Have you ever sat down and really thought about your goals? Both inside and outside of the gym? Have you ever voiced those goals? Have you ever approached a coach to help you achieve those goals faster?
Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds with stretching in between
10 deadlifts
10 hang high pulls
10 front squats
10 push press
Spidermen, pigeon and hudler
Childs pose
Any other mobility you might need
Weightlifting EMOM – E:90 for 15:00
1 high hang clean + 1 push press + 1 push jerk
“No restraint”
16 min AMRAP
25 sit-ups
50 DU’s
10 squat cleans (155/105#)(135/95#)
*Very similar to the open workout from last year minus the T2B. The workout will be made or broken in the weight of the cleans. You should be looking at you 1RM and hovering around 60%. That doesn’t mean you cannot load the bar with 70%, but start lower and work up to something you are comfortable with.